Checkin - 2:00 PM, Checkout - 12:00NN
Welcome to The Nest hotel. We hope that you have been looking forward to staying with us as much as we have been looking forward to providing you with a fantastic experience. However, we all face the common challenge of COVID-19.
We hope that
you are prepared to follow the recommendations issued by the health authorities
so that you do not risk infecting others. This means that you should stay at
home if you are showing any symptoms of infection. The symptoms are:
• Sore throat
• Generally feeling unwell
• Muscle pain
• Possibly dry cough, respiratory difficulties and fever
If you have had these symptoms, the health authorities ask you to stay at home for at least 48 hours after you feel completely well again. If you start having symptoms during your stay, please stay in your room and contact the closest doctor or the duty doctor as well as the reception. With medical and the authorities help and instructions, we will find a solution for your stay and departure so that we are able together to minimize the risk of infection spreading.
That said, we hope we can take care of each other so that no one gets infected and all our visitors have the fantastic stay that they have dreamt of.
For information on what to do, please see below. How to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19
• Wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer frequently – especially before and after touching surfaces that many others also touch, e.g. door handles and lift buttons.
• Cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
• Avoid shaking hands, kissing on the cheek and hugging.
• Limit physical contact.
• Keep a distance of at least one meter to other people who are not in your group and ask others to show consideration.
• Please also follow our instructions when visiting our restaurant and other facilities.